xTaskNotifyFromISR Causing Interrupt Jitter

No worries. I also have never made use of the sub priorities, just thought it was worth mentioning that they weren’t being used in this case.
I have just run some tests using taskENTER_CRITICAL(), effectively disabling all of the interrupts lower than the MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. I placed it just after where I start the timers. The timers continued to be serviced but ADC interrupts and scheduler stopped as expected. Confirming MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is working as I would expect.

At the moment I have commented out all of the post processing code in the task, so the ADC result interrupts are just notifying an empty task at the moment. So defiantly no __disable_irq/__enable_irq being used in any of my code, unless the task notification itself makes use of them?