Windows simulator again

digitalwiz wrote on Saturday, September 13, 2014:

I’m having another problem with the Windows simulator. For some reason I don’t remember now, I deleted the RTOSDemo project from LPCXpresso. I recall that three project folders, FreeRTOS_Source, FreeRTOS+TraceRecorder, and Standard_Demo_Tasks, turned out to be links, which surprised me because I didn’t realize Eclipse had such a capability.

I re-imported the RTOSDemo project yesterday and the three folders in question are now empty. No links. What happened?

rtel wrote on Saturday, September 13, 2014:

I’m afraid this is just an Eclipse question - it might be that you deleted the files to which they were linking by deleting the folders. The link between the project explorer and the actual files on the disk is another somewhat unique capability (?) of Eclipse.

Maybe the following link would help:


digitalwiz wrote on Saturday, September 13, 2014:

Thanks for the prompt reply (and on a weekend too!). Turns out the FREERTOS_ROOT variable was pointing at the wrong place. Thanks for the link to the page on Eclipse relative file paths. Very helpful.