Task synchronization and scheduling

Can you please say what the error is ?? I dont have debugger attached.

Seems like you are saying that the above sample you posted works but your actual code does not. If that is correct, it is a bit difficult to help without knowing the difference in your actual code. Some of the things to try:

  • Enable configASSERT.
  • Enable stack overflow detection and malloc failure detection.
  • Try to remove parts of your code to isolate the problem.


Sorry, you surely understand that without knowing the code … it’s hard to tell :wink:
And it’s also hard to develop an application a bit more complex than Hello world without a debugger.

one thing I see is you are creating the queue using sizeof(double) (at least in one of your messages) but passing the address of a char* pointer, which is likely different. That will likely trash things.

I think i have explained in a messy way …Actually there are two different codes. The one is the example codes and the other is the main code running with same template/functionality. The main code is comparatively bigger. So I thought that let the example code work and then i will fit the main code.

The example code works very well. There will be two sender and receiver pair. As you said without queue sets, I created two dedicated queues through which a predefined message will be sent and the receiver task prints the same message.

The main code is similar to this, that involves sending a double precision type data and processing it at the receiving end. And this is not working. Here only one of sender/receiver tasks is working.

Yeah Thanks. I will try these ways to fix

Haha :grinning: I can understand.