question about task preemption

suncs2001 wrote on Monday, October 24, 2016:

the most popular mode of task schedule is task preemption. i am not quite understand about this mode. if task A has the most high level task priority (all of the other task has the low level), if task A run code like this: while(1){}; (infinite loop), is there any concept of Time-slicing ? is it means that all of the other task will never be execute?(ignore watchdog ).

edwards3 wrote on Monday, October 24, 2016:

Tasks that have a higher priority than A will preempt A and run right away. Tasks that have the same priority of A will timeslice if configUSE_TIME_SLICING is 1 or not defined ( Tasks with lower priority than A will never run.

suncs2001 wrote on Monday, October 24, 2016:

thanks :smiley: