Hi Robert,
I found that the whole Harmony thing was a bit of a pain.
- Make sure that in the configuration bits you have:
#pragma config FSRSSEL = PRIORITY_7
By default Harmony sets that as 0 which crashes the whole thing at the first interrupt.
- For the external pin interrupt, to take an easy example, I have the following code Obviously you need to initialise the interrupt controller and the interrupt priority settings for it to fire.
In the a name.c file
void vInitExternalInterrupt( void)
INTCONCLR = _INTCON_INT1EP_MASK; //External interrupt on falling edge
IFS0CLR = _IFS0_INT1IF_MASK; // Clear the external interrupt flag
IEC0SET = _IEC0_INT1IE_MASK; // Enable the external interrupt
void __attribute__( (interrupt(IPL0AUTO), vector(_EXTERNAL_1_VECTOR))) vExternalInterruptWrapper( void );
void vExternalInterruptHandler( void )
BaseType_t bTaskWasWoken = pdFALSE;
IFS0CLR = _IFS0_INT1IF_MASK; // Clear the interrupt
// Post a message into a queue using the FromISR variant
In a name_isr.s file (assembly, yes )
#include <xc.h>
#include <sys/asm.h>
#include "ISR_Support.h"
.set nomips16
.set noreorder
.extern vExternalInterruptHandler
.extern xISRStackTop
.global vExternalInterruptWrapper
.set noreorder
.set noat
.ent vExternalInterruptWrapper
jal vExternalInterruptHandler
.end vExternalInterruptWrapper
Hope this helps solve your problem.