May I know why remove pvPortMalloc()/pvPortFree() from MPU_wrappers.h?

Fair enough.
I think the heap separation is a common usage in FreeRTOS kernel. There are functions that support the stack static allocation. Do FreeRTOS have the plan to add the heap implementation example for heap separation in the future?


Would you please share your use case with us. The V8-M port is getting a lot of adoption as more chips come onto the market and we want to ensure we cover as many use cases as possible.


I am implementing the PSK based TLS connection based on PSA(Platform Security Architecture). And there is a privileged task in which malloc is called and the TLS connection tasks runs in unprivileged. To access the heap, the TLS connection task has to raise to privileged state, but the data that filled into the memory returned by malloc is from the network and is untrusted. So I think the privileged task should has its own heap which should not be accessed by the unprivileged task.