Is this behavior exist in message queue

sasikalaswathi wrote on Thursday, October 24, 2019:

I created the queue size of 10 bytes. I send the message of size 20 bytes contiuously. For some purpose,I need the message of recently added(like want the data from index 11 to 20th). Is that behaviour exists in message queue or any other freertos feature available to supports this?

richard_damon wrote on Thursday, October 24, 2019:

Queues are for fixed size messages (or pointers to messages). If you make a queue for a size of 10 bytes, then only to bytes will be sent. If you want 20 byte messages, make the queue with a message size of 20 bytes.

If you made the queue of 10 items of 1 byte each, then that isn’t really the right way to do it.

Queues also only get a whole message at a time, so the queue itself doesn’t offer access to parts of a message.

sasikalaswathi wrote on Thursday, October 24, 2019:

Hi Richard, I got your point.Thank you for the response