nobody wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2006:
i use iar compiler
seem IAR port to ARM seems very better of IAR port to AVR
have you plan to rewrite port of AVR for IAR ?
nobody wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2006:
i use iar compiler
seem IAR port to ARM seems very better of IAR port to AVR
have you plan to rewrite port of AVR for IAR ?
rtel wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2006:
There will be some work done to the AVR port, but not for a while yet unfortunately.
The IAR AVR tools use two stacks on the AVR target which complicates things a little.
nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 04, 2006:
Is there any bug in current IAR-AVR port?
Do you used it in your projects with success?(please give success story of your using)
nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 04, 2006:
Care to narrow your question down a bit? If you are having a problem can you describe what it is.