How to use AWS IoT Fleet provisioning on FreeRTOS "release-v10.3.1", I don't want to move to AWS-FreeRTOS

The CSDK targets Posix platforms. The FreeRTOS repository has several platform files which you can adapt to work with your setup.

The FreeRTOS Fleet Provisioning demo will have the most valuable information by looking at which files it’s importing. Additionally, using_mbedtls_pkcs11 shows FreeRTOS-specific invocations that you can use with PKCS11 and mbedTLS.


Hello Venki,

I am also trying to build using mbedTLS library and AWS IoT Core for pub/sub.

As you have mentioned it worked for you. Can you share little details how you have managed to send data AWS IoT Core.


The corePKCS11 mutual auth demo described here: PKCS #11 Mutual Authentication Demo (MQTT) - FreeRTOS connects to AWS IoT Core.