FTP server on Zynq: corrupted files

Hello Hein,

Thank for your help to solve this problem.
This afternoon I have tested to use the memcpy.c file that you told me (putting back configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT to value of 1) with a right result.

Now I have the solved problem by two different ways.
But after reading another post here, I have the following doubt: what is it the best solution to apply if I have not to use the floating point in my application?

Option 1.- Put configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT a value of 2
There is an unnecessary overhead to every task switch (you give the amount of 2 x 260 bytes in the mentioned post).

Option 2.- Use your memcpy.c implementation that it doesn´t use FPU registers.
We lose the performance of the GCC/Xilinx build-in memcpy() that you say “is really fast when it uses the FPU registers” in the mentioned post.

If we delete the compiler options of “-mfpu=vfpv3” and “-mfloat-abi=hard” that are set by the Xilinx SDK when a new project is created there are a lot of linker errors: “uses VFP register arguments” in library files. So, I would discard it as another option, because it is the similar to Option 2.

Any recommendation will be welcomed
