freeRTOS on NEC V850 JH3 (uPD70F3783)

xcubbi wrote on Wednesday, July 25, 2018:

Hello Community,

I’d like to run freeRTOS(v10.0.1) on a NEC V850 JH3 (uPD70F3783).

The used IDE is IAR embeedded Workbench with IAR Compiler for V850(v3.80).

I’ve tried to run the demo application, but it doesn’t work.

It seems like the scheduler doesn’t work properly. I’ve set some breackpoints in the interrupt-handler, which should do the increment TimeTick and TaskSwitch, but it doesn’t get called. Obviously the Interrupt-handler doesn’t get triggered.

Has anyone ever had this problem with the demo before?

Any ideas what’s causing the problem?

rtel wrote on Wednesday, July 25, 2018:

That demo is very old and I would not be surprised if the compiler had
changed somewhat since it was created.

How much is working? For example if you step through the code are you
able to at least get into the first task?

xcubbi wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2018:

Thank you for your quick response. The demo runs through initialization until vTaskStartScheduler() is called. Then it crashes the IAR embedded workbench. For this reason, I have commented out the demo tasks and created two separate tasks, which should toggle a LED each as shown below.


static void blink_1(void *pvParameters)
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

static void blink_2(void *pvParameters)
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);


/* Create all the demo tasks then start the scheduler. */
void main(void)
	/* Just sets up the LED outputs. */
       xTaskCreate(blink_1, "b1", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);
       xTaskCreate(blink_2, "b2", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);

	/* If this line is reached then vTaskStartScheduler() returned because there
	was insufficient heap memory remaining for the idle task to be created. */

After that, each task is called once and then it remains in function portTASK_FUNCTION (because the interrupt function for incrementTick and switchContex isn’t called).

There’s also another issue. The Debug log shows a warning “the stackpointer for stack is outside the stack range”. I have increased the stack size to many diffent values, but it didn’t fix the issue.

xcubbi wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2018:

Thank you for your quick response. The demo runs through initialization until vTaskStartScheduler() is called. Then it crashes the IAR embedded workbench. For this reason, I have commented out the demo tasks and created two separate tasks, which should toggle a LED each as shown below.


static void blink_1(void *pvParameters)
    P2 ^= 0x02;
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

static void blink_2(void *pvParameters)
    P2 ^= 0x04;
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);


/* Create all the demo tasks then start the scheduler. */
void main(void)
	/* Just sets up the LED outputs. */
       xTaskCreate(blink_1, "b1", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);
       xTaskCreate(blink_2, "b2", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);

	/* If this line is reached then vTaskStartScheduler() returned because there
	was insufficient heap memory remaining for the idle task to be created. */

After that, each task is called once and then it remains in function portTASK_FUNCTION (because the interrupt function for incrementTick and switchContex isn’t called).

There’s also another issue. The Debug log shows a warning “the stackpointer for stack is outside the stack range”. I have increased the stack size to many diffent values, but it didn’t fix the issue.

xcubbi wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2018:

Thank you for your quick response. The demo runs through initialization until vTaskStartScheduler() is called. Then it crashes the IAR embedded workbench. For this reason, I have commented out the demo tasks and created two separate tasks, which should toggle a LED each as shown below.


static void blink_1(void *pvParameters)
    P2 ^= 0x02;
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

static void blink_2(void *pvParameters)
    P2 ^= 0x04;
     vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);


/* Create all the demo tasks then start the scheduler. */
void main(void)
	/* Just sets up the LED outputs. */
       xTaskCreate(blink_1, "b1", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);
       xTaskCreate(blink_2, "b2", 80, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);

	/* If this line is reached then vTaskStartScheduler() returned because there
	was insufficient heap memory remaining for the idle task to be created. */

After that, each task is called once and then it remains in function portTASK_FUNCTION (because the interrupt function for incrementTick and switchContex isn’t called).

There’s also another issue. The Debug log shows a warning “the stackpointer for stack is outside the stack range”. I have increased the stack size to many diffent values, but it didn’t fix the issue.

xcubbi wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2018:

I solved the issue regarding the interrupt handler. I checked the port assembler file and saw that the wrong interrupt vector was set.

First it was

; Tick ISR Prototype
        PUBWEAK `??MD_INTTM0EQ0??INTVEC 640`


But 0x640 is the interrupt vector for INTDMA1.

It needs to be 0x430 for the needed INTTM0EQ0 interrupt.

I’ve changed it and now it works.

The changes need to be done in portasm.s85

; Tick ISR Prototype
        PUBWEAK `??MD_INTTM0EQ0??INTVEC 0x430`



        ORG 0x430
`??MD_INTTM0EQ0??INTVEC 0x430`:
        JR MD_INTTM0EQ0

Everything seems to be working right now.

rtel wrote on Thursday, July 26, 2018:

Thanks for reporting back.