Fatal error: cstdint: No such file or directory

Hi Prakash,

I don’t mean to sound condescending, but I would very strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the basics of embedded development before attempting to jump into actual coding. If you do not know (yet) what linker command files and map files are and how they relate to each other (both are closely related to controlling distribution of code and data in physical memory), you are missing central and vital pieces and will not be able to understand, let alone debug the runtime behavior of your application. Thus, it is in your own interest to take a step back and make step 1 before step 2.

There are many places on the internet that explain the inner workings. Here is one that looks reasonably decent. After reading through it or a similar tutorial, you should be able to not only know how to produce a map file and where to find it, but also interpret it (which may very well answer the question that you’re stuck at right now).

Again, please don’t misunderstand this posting; all I’m doing is trying to empower you to answer the questions yourself before you depend on others to answer them for you.