error during building a project

av003 wrote on Thursday, July 28, 2016:

I am new to freertos…i was learning to use it by building already available demo projects…it builds fine.
I tried recreating another project with the same files…headers…etc…but i get 77 build errors because they say some unresolved symbols remain.(the variables defined in the rom.h file doesnt seem to be recognized by the files in my project)
I am using ccsv6.
loading the program on a ARM CORTEX M4 device.

What could be the reason?

rtel wrote on Thursday, July 28, 2016:

Very hard to say as rom.h is not a FreeRTOS file, so I have no idea what
it is doing or how it should be included!

If you want to recreate a project that is already building, in addition
to using the same files and headers, you will also need to ensure you
are using the same include paths, configuration file, etc.

Here are some links that might help: