atxmega128a3u freeRTOS - lwip 1.4.1 breaks usart

unnamed7 wrote on Friday, July 24, 2015:

hi, i’am trying to port FreeRTOS + lwip to atxmega128a3u and almost every thing is working fine, only my uart wont fire up when i compile my project with lwip files included, what can be the cause of this ? Any help would be appreciated.

withouth lwip files uart is working great
with lwip files i just get one character “?” and nothing else, tasks are still working fine.

lwip is not initialized in my project, only compiled.

i’am using
microchip: atxmega128a3u
freeRTOS 8.2
lwip 1.4.1

rtel wrote on Saturday, July 25, 2015:

Sorry no idea, but if lwIP works by itself, and the UART works by itself, but the two don’t work together, it is probably not a FreeRTOS issue.