About the transmission rate of TCP

Can you test once by directly connecting your board to the computer running your TCP server?


Can you share the values you have configured for ipconfigNETWORK_MTU and ipconfigTCP_MSS (if defined) in the FreeRTOSIPConfig.h?


If ipconfigTCP_MSS is not defined in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h try defining it to a value less than or equal to 1400 and check.

ok, i will do it later

i defined mtu=1500, mss=1460 in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h

I tried to connect my board to computer directly, and get the same result.
net-1.zip (13.1 KB)


Did you try lowering ipconfigTCP_MSS in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h try defining it to a value less than or equal to 1400?

aha,i tried to define it to 1200, now it seems working well!!
Thanks very much!

I used jperf for testing transmission rate, it can be almost 30Mbps

Thanks for reporting back, as documented here: MSS - FreeRTOS™
Some setups might restrict MSS to 1400 bytes for reliability; that might be the case here. Or probably your server application might be rejecting packets above 1400.

Can you share the version of FreeRTOS+TCP you are using?

sorry for that i forget which version i use, could you tell me how to find the version i am using?

maybe it is v4.0.999?

You can take a look at the History.txt or manifest.yml file in the root folder of the FreeRTOS+TCP library.

ok. The version is v4.2.0

Thanks for sharing the version.